Wednesday 18 August 2010

beer, camping, salisbury and bath

Lots to update on since Friday!
Saturday:  Devizes is well known for its massive brewery, Wadworth brewery, which supplies beer to pubs within an 80 mile radius, and in Devizes it is still delivered to all the pubs by horse! So Ben, Mom, Dad, Gillie and I all went on the tour around the brewery to see how the beer is made and get lots of free samples!  After that we all just came back home and relaxed, and went out for a meal to an Italian place with James and Chloe.  It was also my parents' 39th anniversary!!

Sunday:  The weather forecast was good so we drove to Pembrokeshire, Wales to go camping by the coast.  The campsite was literally just a field which just across from the beach.  It took just under 4 hours to drive there, so we just put the tents up and relaxed by the beach for the afternoon, before going for a walk to watch the sunset in the evening.

Monday:  Still in Pembrokeshire, we went on a boat cruise around Ramsey Island to look at all the caves and seals etc.. it was gorgeous, it didn't feel at all like we were in Britain! We then went to a different beach and Ben and I went in (with wetsuits as the water is still really cold!) and then drove home in the evening and ordered a pizza!

Tuesday:  Took mom and dad into Salisbury to show them my school and then into the city centre to go see the cathedral.

Wednesday:   Went into Bath and did a little shopping, and then to Ben's Nan's for lunch.. now just watching a movie!

Outside the brewery

Playing bananagrams!

Our luxurious campsite in Wales

Beach number 1 - bit cold but still gorgeous!

Beach number 2 - bit busier!

Walking around St David's - the town closest to the coast we were camping at

Always therapeutic watching the sunset by the water!

One of the many caves around Ramsey Island

Just one of the views from a walk we went on by the campsite

Salisbury Cathedral

Ben's arty photo in the cathedral

Just mom and me in Salisbury

This door makes Ben look tall!

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