Wednesday 4 August 2010

First ever blog post!

So I decided that I would start a blog to keep track of the summer so when I go back to work in September I can look back and appreciate having 5 weeks off!! (And keep you updated as well.. if you're interested!)
So far it has been pretty relaxing.. it started off on Thursday, July 22nd where I went out in Salisbury with some work friends.. fun night! Not a nice Friday.  Since then we've just been making the most of the nice weather, doing lots of gardening which has been surprisingly therapeutic, lots of trips into Devizes just wandering around and looking at different shops and... actually to make this quicker I'm just going to make a list! 
- Pub quiz nights!
- New tattoos (will explain in a photo)
- Ice skating (bit of a taste of home)
- Lots of lunches and coffees!
- Probably quite a few other things that I either can't remember or aren't exciting enough to put up here!

We have tried our best to do something different every day.. so I will update this as much as I can! See you tomorrow! x

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