Thursday 12 August 2010

parents, grandparents and rain!

Been a few days so I'll do my best to update since.... Monday.
Right well I may have to come back to Monday because I completely forget what we did!

Tuesday we went to visit Ben's grandma and took her out to a garden centre and then went out for lunch at the Red Lion in Lacock.
Whitehall Garden centre (a very small part of it) although it was pouring down with rain so didn't quite look like this!
Red Lion in Lacock

Wednesday we honestly spent the entire day cleaning the house!! I don't know how it was possible to do that but we did... it has never been cleaner! Might be a good time to take some pictures of it!  

And finally today we got up at 4:30am to head to Gatwick to pick my parents up!! we came back home for something to eat and then headed in to Devizes for the market, which we decided we have to shop at more as it is ridiculously cheap! Stopped at a nice pub for a drink, and wandered around some nice bits of town to show mom and dad the castle and some 15th century streets! Now just back at home very sleepy watching crappy tv :)
Devizes castle - right in the centre of town but you can't get too close as it is privately owned and there are signs everywhere warning you not to! 

Where we went for a drink - really nice pub in the centre of town.  I think dad took lots of nicer pictures so I'll put those up once I steal them from him x

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