Friday 20 August 2010

smile and say cheddar cheese!

Yesterday we headed to Cheddar to go to the gorge and in the caves.  It was really pretty and inside the caves was amazing! They keep cheddar cheese in the caves that you can smell as you walk through... unfortunately I had so much cheese on my sandwich for lunch I didn't have the appetite to buy any cheddar cheese from cheddar.  We went on some nice walks and toured around a bit before coming back (with a nice little "detour" along the way...cough got lost cough) 
Today we went to the outlet mall in Swindon and I just got some clothes for work and a couple books.  Oh I also finished the book I'm reading called "We need to talk about Kevin"... very good book!! We then took my parents over to Pete's to do some archery and axe throwing!! It was very entertaining to say the least!

Tonight we went to Pizza Express for our last dinner with my parents :(

View of the gorge from the tower

In the caves

Cheddar Man...

Stalactites and stalagmites

"St. Paul's Cathedral"

My cool reflection shot! Been spending too much time with Ben...

Cute little water vole that lives in the river in the gorge

Mom concentrating on archery - it was hard to get a photo of her where she wasn't giggling!


Ben and I having a competition... I won't brag but... I WON!

Mom and dad having a competition

Dad after his successful axe throw!

Teach demonstrating

Ben showing mom the ropes

Good way of releasing anger! Unfortunately I didn't have enough for the axe to make it to the target..

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