Friday 13 August 2010

walks, bowling and.... more rain!

Today was the first "real" day with my parents here.  It was a pretty early night for all so we woke up early enough to go for a quick run before we set out.  We went back to the Long Barrow (burial site) again to show mom and dad and it was much busier than last time! There were lots of people getting in touch with their "spiritual" side, singing and caressing the rocks...  it was.. interesting!  We then went on what I thought was an excruciatingly long walk which everyone else somehow described as a "walk around the block"!!!!

I only complained a little bit that I was hungry............... so we drove a few minutes to a really nice town called Marlborough where we had lunch.  Since it was pouring down with rain by this point we were trying to think of something inside that we could do, so we decided to go bowling...  I will only mention that Ben lost miserably, as he is very upset about this and the fact that he got less than 50 points is very embarrassing. Enough said.
To recover from his loss, Ben had to play me at pool to redeem himself, and he did beat me (by one ball!).

After bowling we went to this garden/craft type centre, just becuase every town has one here! And then headed home, had some dinner and just chilled out.

From yesterday - Devizes church

Mom and I on the 15th century street in Devizes - just outside the hat shop!

Still from yesterday - at the market (you can just see Ben and I buying some chocolate mint!)

Bit blurry but this is just outside the barrow

Just on the walk!

Ben enjoying his pool victory!

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