Sunday 8 August 2010

comedy club and camping

great past couple days! On Friday went into Bath with Gillie and Debbie and shopped around for a bit, found a shop I absolutely love called instant vintage, will be going back there!! After shopping we went back to Gillie's new place for a bit and then headed back into town to go to the comedy club for dinner and a show.. food was really good and some of the comedians were really funny.. Pierre Hollins the headliner was hilarious! 

Yesterday Ben, Kate, Sam and I went camping in a place called Sandy Balls! Ha! It was a really nice place, right by the New Forest where there are loads of wild horses (pictures below).  Had a great night, went to a pub where I mistakenly drank 2 pints of cider, had a nice walk around the fields, had a bbq on the Cobb and just hung around the campsite! 

one of the many horses hangin out outside the pub!

Kate and Toby the best dog ever

Mommy and son (definitely a boy....!!)

Love this!

Toby looking for his new toy that he found!

Toby is so impressed with my head stand

woo hoo

more of ben's light painting - kate and I on the swings

1 comment:

  1. It was a fun day and night, I liked the games arcade best. Makes me want a dog and to live in a tent! Maybe purchasing some more mats would be nice!
